Pre & Post Menopausal

  • Providing exercise guidance for maintaining bone health
  • Assessing and treating changes in bladder and bowel function
  • Assessing and treating pelvic floor dysfunction, including stress and urge incontinence.

Our mission is to empower all women to achieve their health and fitness goals, no matter what phase of life they are in.

Pre and post menopause is a significant time in a woman's life that can bring with it an array of changes. Symptoms that can be experienced include hot flushes, mood changes, changes in sexual function and bone health. However, there are ways to reduce the severity or long-term impact of these symptoms. For example, did you know that it is possible to prevent the loss of bone health loss that is commonly associated with menopause? Our experienced physiotherapists can provide tailored guidance and education to support you through this new phase of life.

Our therapists can help manage many of the common symptoms during this time, such as:

At Uplift Women's Health Collective, we believe that every woman deserves to live her life to the fullest. Our team is here to help you achieve just that. Contact us today so that we can support you on your journey.
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