Bumps, Twinges, and Baby Kicks: Your Secret Weapon Against PGP and LBP During Pregnancy (Part 3)

Picture this: you’re on a journey of a lifetime, growing a tiny human inside you, and everything seems to be changing – including your body. As your belly grows, it’s not just your heart that’s expanding; discomforts like pelvic girdle pain (PGP) and lower back pain (LBP) might be joining the party. But guess what? You’ve got a secret weapon to fight back and keep dancing through the discomfort – strength training, with a dash of clinical pilates magic.
In part 3 of this blog series we examine how Clinical Pilates can help overcome the pain and discomfort of PGP and LBP during pregnancy, and prepare your body for recovery after labour.
The Quest for Comfort: PGP and LBP
First things first, let’s talk about PGP and LBP – the villains of the comfort story. Pelvic girdle pain, that sensation that likes to play tag with your pelvis, and lower back pain, the unwelcome guest that just won’t leave. They’re like the peanut gallery of your pregnancy – always there, always chattering. But here’s the plot twist: they don’t have to steal the spotlight.
Enter: Clinical Pilates – Your Superpower
Imagine a fitness routine that’s tailor-made for your unique pregnancy journey. That’s where clinical pilates comes in. It’s not your ordinary workout; it’s like a personalised playlist of movements designed to address your discomforts and support your body through this incredible transformation.
Benefit #1: Muscle Stabilisation
Think of clinical pilates as your secret agent, working undercover to stabilize your pelvis. It’s all about strengthening your bottom, core and pelvic floor muscles – the unsung heroes of your body’s stability. As your baby bump grows, your centre of gravity shifts, and these muscles step up to the plate, ensuring your pelvis and lower back are well-supported.
Benefit #2: Joint Support
It’s like clinical pilates whispers to your joints, “Hey, we’ve got your back.” The exercises promote strength and stability, which means your body can groove without causing unnecessary strain on your ligaments.
Benefit #3: Pain Relief through Precise Moves
Clinical pilates is like your body’s personal GPS. It guides you through controlled, precise movements that increase your awareness of how you’re moving. This newfound awareness can be a game-changer for pain relief – you’ll learn which movements make your discomfort worse and which ones offer relief.
Benefit #4: Flexibility for Freedom
Think of clinical pilates as your gentle stretch guru. It encourages flexibility and mobility, giving you a broader range of motion without triggering pain. It’s like the key to unlocking movement without those pesky discomforts knocking on your door.
Benefit #5: Postural Wisdom
Pregnancy can be a bit of a posture-shifter, but clinical pilates acts like your posture coach. It teaches you how to maintain proper alignment, reducing stress on your lower back and pelvis. Suddenly, standing tall becomes a lot less taxing.
Benefit #6: Mind-Body Connection
Consider clinical pilates your mind-body whisperer. It encourages mindfulness and body awareness, helping you tune into your body’s signals. You’ll learn to identify movements that aggravate your discomfort and make adjustments on the fly.
Your Personalized Pregnancy Performance
Before you jump into this pilates adventure, make sure to check in with a healthcare professional by undergoing a pre-pilates assessment. They’re like your backstage crew, ensuring your routine is safe and tailored to your unique needs.
In the grand performance of pregnancy, you’re the star, and clinical pilates is your supporting act. Together, you’ll choreograph a routine that’s all about comfort, strength, and flexibility. So go ahead, embrace your secret weapon, and show PGP and LBP that they’re not the directors of this show – you are. Book your clinical pilates assessment today.
We hope that you’ve found this 3 part blog series useful in understanding your body, and in helping you overcome some of the challenges of pregnancy.
If you are suffering from low back or pelvic girdle pain, or if you’re wanting to find out more about our Clinical Pilates during pregnancy, you can make a booking to see one of our Women’s Health Physiotherapists HERE.
Author: Nicole Symons